Thursday, 20 September 2012

Here comes the cavalry!

A Trench based army isn't complete without a good solid corps of cavalry! I converted these out of bretonnian cavalry but I didn't want them to look as baroque as those models do, so I chopped the lances off and used the billhooks from the men-at-arms kit to make them look more like light cavalry. The headswap was almost mandatory too, and I think the rebreathers look pretty cool too, they were pretty straightforward as well: just plasticard rod, an Imperial Guard grenade launcher bag and a bit of drilling. I would like to come back to these and do the other side as well, but at the moment I don't have enough of the bags.

These pictures don't really show it very well but I'm pretty happy with the converted flamer I put together for one of the cavalrymen. The long Imperial Guard infantry flamer looked too unwieldy to use on horseback so I cut it down and attached it to a sword arm at an angle I reckon works pretty well; it is then connected to the backpack using plasticard rod.

Thanks for reading, I hope to show an Aquila Lander conversion pretty soon.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Proof of Concept Ishtari Squad WIP

I've put together and painted in a basic way this squad to make sure the paint scheme and the conversions work, in my opinion they do! Not all of the details are on yet, I still need to do squad markings, small details and more facial detail but I'm pretty happy with the way the conversion looks; it's a pretty common Bretonnian Man-at-Arms with Cadian arms.

These guys are my Ishtari Trenchers and I think they look pretty good for what they are meant to be. I'm pretty chuffed with the palette and I'm looking forward to making a whole platoon of these guys!

This is my first attempt at decent basing using a kit I got from ebay a long time ago, I think I've pulled it off but I'm not entirely sure it looks that "trenchy".

Elements of the 31st Line Regiment take up positions.

Photos coming up today of either some WIP cavalry or a sentinel I've been working on.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

I'm back, this time for good! (I hope)

I'm back! Let's do this!

In the past I have been really terrible with keeping up with projects like this one, I'm the same with forums: I'll do stuff on it for a while and then drift away again. Recently I've rediscovered my love for 40k and I've come back into the fold and hopefully I can stick to it this time! I'm still really hopeful for what I can do with this project and I hope I can combine models and fluff to a satisfying degree! I am aiming for at least one post a week and hopefully quite a few more; I'm moving into a new flat on Saturday and hopefully this will give me the kick in the arse I need to really get stuff moving again.

I'm going to post a few pictures of what I have painted and converted so far today and hopefully also flesh out some of the fluff involved in this campaign this week.

I really hope this blog can grow and flourish, and hopefully gain a few followers along the way if I can keep my posts regular!