Thursday, 30 August 2012

I'm back, this time for good! (I hope)

I'm back! Let's do this!

In the past I have been really terrible with keeping up with projects like this one, I'm the same with forums: I'll do stuff on it for a while and then drift away again. Recently I've rediscovered my love for 40k and I've come back into the fold and hopefully I can stick to it this time! I'm still really hopeful for what I can do with this project and I hope I can combine models and fluff to a satisfying degree! I am aiming for at least one post a week and hopefully quite a few more; I'm moving into a new flat on Saturday and hopefully this will give me the kick in the arse I need to really get stuff moving again.

I'm going to post a few pictures of what I have painted and converted so far today and hopefully also flesh out some of the fluff involved in this campaign this week.

I really hope this blog can grow and flourish, and hopefully gain a few followers along the way if I can keep my posts regular!